Jones Insurance officially kicks off 40th Anniversary with investment into local collaborations.
New co-working space unveiled at Goods & Co. during anniversary event.
Thunder Bay, ON, Thursday, February 15 – After unveiling a new visual identity at the end of 2023, Jones Insurance today officially announced the company’s 40th anniversary. To mark the occasion, a new Jones Insurance Co-Working Corner was unveiled at a celebratory event at Goods & Co. Market.
Together with employees, clients and the community, three generations of Jones’ were in attendance to celebrate the anniversary. The event highlighted the importance of community collaborations and building a local legacy, which was supported by the company’s latest investment announcement into the Jones Insurance Co-Working Corner.
The launch of the new Co-Working Corner is a continuation of the Jones Insurance commitment to community. The Co-Working Corner is a free collaboration space offered to entrepreneurs, students, professionals and newcomers, located in the heart of downtown Thunder Bay.
Says Jones Insurance second-generation President; “As a team, we wanted to create an anniversary initiative that would best represent our company values. The Co-Working Corner is a safe and welcoming community space where people can make connections, create new ideas, and build relationships locally. We are grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with Goods & Co. to create an area that will support more people to succeed.”
During the celebration event, Jones Insurance also premiered a new 40th anniversary video; a nostalgic look back at the company’s history, and a glimpse into the future, underscored by their well-known promise: We’re with you.
“For 40 years, the vision and values of Jones Insurance have not changed. We remain committed to our client and community-first approach, and work hard everyday to improve the well-being and success of northern communities through partnerships, innovation, and care. Jones Insurance is proud to look back on what we have accomplished over four decades, and equally as excited about what the future holds,” continues Jeff Jones.
The growth of the family business has taken Jones Insurance from a modest office in 1984 to new buildings, new business ventures, and new leadership, all while remaining committed to delivering a business experience founded on integrity, expertise, and friendship.
Says Jones Insurance Founder, Mike Jones; “When we opened our doors in September of 1984, relationships were built through in-person conversations, phone calls, and handshakes. Over the last 40 years, we’ve evolved to meet the changing needs of the community; now, you can reach our team, virtually, anywhere you go! A lot has changed, but some things have remained constant; we’re proudly local and always ready to support others to succeed in life and business.”
Over the coming months, Jones Insurance is cultivating new partnerships with other local businesses, such as J.B. Evans and George’s Market, through a series of videos that showcase and celebrate the businesses that keep the Thunder Bay community thriving.
The first video with J.B. Evans is available here.
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